


Beedstraße 54,
40468 Düsseldorf

contact person: Mutzii
online: www.emrktg.com
email: [email protected]
VAT-ID: DE346032605

Plattform of the EU-Commission for online dispute resolution: www.ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr
Note on the problem of external links emrktg. is not responsible for the content of websites that are linked and not created by emrktg. itself. As a content provider, emrktg is solely responsible for its own content that is offered for use on the Internet.​External links that refer to websites provided by other providers are to be distinguished from this own content. Through the external link, emrktg. only provides third-party content for online use. emrktg. is only responsible for this third-party content if emrktg. has positive knowledge of it (i.e. also of illegal or criminal content) and it is technically possible and reasonable to prevent its use. External links and the associated cross-references are always dynamic references. emrktg. checked the third-party content when it was first linked to determine whether it could result in civil or criminal liability. emkrtg. is not obliged to constantly check this content for changes that could give rise to new liability. Should emrktg. subsequently determine itself or be informed by third parties that a specific website to which emrktg. has provided an external link triggers civil or criminal liability, emrktg. will remove the reference to this offer insofar as this is technically possible and reasonable